September 3, 2024

Coast to Coast Grade 2 Kayaking Skills Certificate

Taupo Grade two certificate

1 Grade 2 Whitewater Kayaking Skills

(this section not required for non-steering paddler in tandem team)

1.1 Identifies and responds appropriately to Grade 2 river features. Eddylines, wave trains, holes, buffer waves, bluffs, side currents and boils.

1.2 Identifies and demonstrates paddling safe and efficient lines.

1.3 Demonstrates efficient and effective forward paddling.

1.4 Demonstrates efficient and effective forward and reverse sweep strokes. Remains balanced.

1.5 Demonstrates effective low brace. Can right self from tipping point. Can use appropriately while paddling in rapid.

1.6 Demonstrates breaking in and out of eddies. Can hold desired line. Remains balanced.

1.7 Demonstrates ferry gliding. Can hold desired line. Remains balanced.

2 Grade 2 River Safety Skills

2.1 Understands correct use of personal kayaking and safety equipment. Can identify appropriate and inappropriate equipment. Including kayak, PFD, helmet, thermals, paddle, spraydeck.

2.2 Recognises and understands hazards associated with kayaking, including broaching, strainers and foot entrapment. The appropriate actions required to avoid or deal with these hazards are described and/or demonstrated.

2.3 Demonstrates self rescue with kayak and gear. Candidate capsizes, stays calm, gathers equipment and efficiently moves to bank. Empties boat and paddling again within efficient timeframe.

2.4 Demonstrates safe rapid float position (on back, feet first, feet up etc).

2.5 Demonstrates assertive white water swimming across wave train and eddyline.

2.6 Demonstrates being rescued with aid of another craft (kayaker and/or jetboat).

2.7 Receives a throw bag as a swimmer in Grade 2. Correct holding of rope and body.

2.8 Can describe and identify, prevention, symptoms and treatment of hypothermia.

2.9 Recognises basic river signals and describes appropriate response.

Coast to Coast Grade 2 Kayaking Skills Certificate

New competitors must email a signed copy of their current Grade 2 Kayak Certificate by January 20, 2025. Certificates older than two years will require a $50 administration fee. If you’ve completed the Kayak Stage in the past five years, you only need to state the year(s) you competed on the entry form.

We recommend re-certifying every five years if you are not regularly kayaking on Grade 2 water.

The Certificate requires you to verify your competence in the listed skills. Coast to Coast does not guarantee the safety or quality of listed operators.

Grade 2 kayak instructors

Coast to Coast Grade 2 Kayaking Skills Certificates will only be accepted from:

NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor (endorsed assessors)

Anyone holding a current NZOIA Kayak 1

North Island – Social Nature Movement:

Chris Lacoste 0275011639

NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor, NZOIA Kayak 1 & Rescue 3 International Whitewater Rescue Technician ‘pro’

Kayak Grade 2 Exemption

While our preferred method of training and assessment is through qualified instructors, we do offer a “competitor exemption” process for those who cannot access an instructor or can clearly demonstrate they possess the necessary skills and knowledge to compete safely. This exemption process involves a fee of NZ$50 per application and should be submitted to the River Safety Manager.

To apply for an exemption, individuals must provide at least two of the following:*

Logged kayaking experience

A signed attestation from a reputable figure in the kayaking community

Proof of participation in other kayak races or multisport events that include Grade 2 kayaking sections

Video evidence of your kayaking skills

Completion of a river rescue or other kayak skills course

*Note: The River Safety Manager may request more than two forms of evidence depending on the quality and relevance of the submissions.

We may also consider other kayaking certificates that meet or exceed the Coast to Coast Grade 2 requirements. These will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may incur a NZ$50 fee if additional information is needed. Please note that a BCU 2 Star award does not meet the required standard.

Have a question? We’re here to help.

email or call us on 0800 76 62 66