Outdoor Adventure gear hire / equipment rental Auckland NZ

Outdoor Clothing and Equipment specialist support for all your adventure equipment hire and gear rental needs

Land-based rental gear

Our land-based categorical gear hire includes outdoor bouldering mattress hire. We rent the best bouldering crash pads so that you and your climbing spotters are safe and secure. The Black Diamond Mondo is ‘the mother’ of all boulder mats and the go-to choice for sending hard or high-ball problems. If you want to rent bouldering pads, climbing mats or crash pads, we have the selection for you!

Snow equipment rental gear

SNM is where to hire snow gear. Our snow equipment rental gear hire includes avalanche snow safety for backcountry travel and mountaineering trips. Our avalanche probes, shovels and transceivers are industry-leading, industry-priced and kept to keep your mind at ease for snow equipment rentals. Hover over our pictures to see how much to hire snow gear.

Camping Tramping Gear Package

Tent, Cooker, Sleeping bag, Mattress and more! $60/day

2-3 pax tent, 2-4 pax pot & pan cooker set, <2 Sleeping bags, <2 Sleeping mats, Crockery, Cutlery, Dish liquid

Return via post from anywhere in the country


Safety rental gear

Our safety categorical gear hire includes a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) rental and emergency shelter for 8 people. Press the PLB and a helicopter should come in good time to your exact position. Take a shelter that takes no more than 10 seconds form its small and lightweight size to shelter your from the strom.

Outdoor Adventure gear hire / equipment rental Auckland NZ

outdoor camping adventure and overnight excursion hire with friends and family is within reach with our high-quality Outdoor Equipment and Clothing rental specialties.