Contact Information and How to Book

Ready to experience the magical glow of bioluminescence with Social Nature Movement? Booking your tour is easy and accessible. Here’s everything you need to know to secure your spot on one of our unforgettable bioluminescence kayak tours.

How to Book Your Tour

Online Booking

You can easily book your tour online by visiting our dedicated booking page. Just follow the link, choose your preferred date, and complete the booking process: Book Your Bioluminescence Kayak Tour Here

Enquiry Form

If you have specific questions or need further information before booking, please use our enquiry form: Make an Enquiry

Direct Contact Information

If you prefer to book your tour or ask questions directly, you can contact us in the following ways:

Send us an email with your enquiries, and we will get back to you as soon as possible:

For immediate assistance or to speak with a tour coordinator, call us at: 0800 76 62 66

We are here to help you with any questions you might have about our tours, the bioluminescence phenomenon, or specific requests related to your booking.

Social Media

Stay connected with us through our social media channels. Follow us for updates, customer testimonials, stunning photos from our tours, and more. Our social media links can be found on our website.

Embarking on a bioluminescence tour with Social Nature Movement is not just a trip; it’s an immersive experience into one of nature’s most breathtaking displays. We are committed to providing a memorable and safe adventure for all our participants. Whether you’re booking online, making an inquiry, or contacting us directly, we look forward to helping you discover the magical world of bioluminescence.

A Guide to Bioluminescence Tours in Auckland

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to experiencing the magical phenomenon of bioluminescence with Social Nature Movement, Auckland’s premier tour provider. This guide is designed to enlighten and inspire both locals and visitors about the natural wonder of bioluminescence, providing essential information on how to witness this natural light show responsibly and spectacularly.

Introduction to Bioluminescence

Bioluminescence is a natural light produced by a chemical reaction within living organisms. This section delves into the science behind this fascinating phenomenon, its role in the ecosystem, and its distribution worldwide, with a spotlight on occurrences in New Zealand.


Bioluminescent Organisms in New Zealand

New Zealand is home to unique bioluminescent organisms, including glow worms and certain types of algae. Learn about these creatures, their habitats, and the conditions under which they glow, providing a mesmerising natural spectacle.


History of Bioluminescence Toure

Trace the evolution of bioluminescence tours in Auckland, highlighting how Social Nature Movement has been at the forefront of offering these enchanting experiences, enhancing public awareness and engagement with nature.


How to Experience Bioluminescence with Social Nature Movement

Discover the various bioluminescence tours provided by Social Nature Movement, detailing what these tours involve, what participants can expect, and how to prepare for this unique adventure.


Best Times and Locations for Viewing Bioluminescence in Auckland

This section offers expert advice on the best times of year and the ideal locations around Auckland to experience bioluminescence, maximising your chances of witnessing this natural wonder.


What to Bring on a Bioluminescence Tour

Prepare for your tour with a comprehensive checklist of items to bring along, ensuring a comfortable, enjoyable, and safe experience while exploring bioluminescent environments.


Safety and Conservation Practices

Important guidelines on how to engage with bioluminescence tours responsibly, focusing on safety measures and conservation practices to protect these fragile ecosystems and ensure their sustainability.


Customer Experiences and Testimonials

Read firsthand accounts from customers who have participated in bioluminescence tours with Social Nature Movement, sharing their experiences and the magical moments they encountered.


FAQs about Bioluminescence and Tours

Find answers to commonly asked questions about bioluminescence and the specifics of the tours, providing clarity and additional information to help potential participants better understand what to expect.


Contact Information and How to Book

Get in touch with Social Nature Movement to book your bioluminescence tour. This section includes all necessary contact details, social media links, and direct booking instructions.


If you’re ready to embark on this enchanting journey and experience the glow of bioluminescence firsthand, you can easily book your tour right now above. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore one of nature’s most spellbinding displays in the company of expert guides from Social Nature Movement.

Two Torbay locations:

The two locations are due to high and low tides, the experiences are equally good


Waiake Beach

2 hour tour duration

Gear list


  • Thin merino or thermal shirt
  • Fleece or woolen jumper
  • Rain-proof Jacket
  • Warm beanie
  • Towel


  • Torch
  • Footwear (water-shoes)
  • Personal medication
  • Water bottle


Personal Flotation Device (PFD) with safety light


